Transportation of Drugs

With prescription drug prices through the roof and the legalization of cannabis in some states, the business of transporting drugs has never been more profitable.
transportation of drugs, and information related to it | Murphy & Downs Law

With prescription drug prices through the roof and the legalization of cannabis in some states, the business of transporting drugs has never been more profitable. Whether it be transporting pain medication from Mexico and Canada, or it be transporting cannabis from Colorado, we are seeing record-setting amounts of drug transportation and trafficking. Each class of drug carries a different penalty. No matter the circumstances, you need an experienced, knowledgeable law firm to fight for you. Call Murphy & Downs Law Offices today for a free consultation..

When you are charged with a crime, you want an AGGRESSIVE criminal defense attorney that will fight for your rights.





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What to do during a drug arrest in Florida - Murphy & Downs Law

5 Things To Do During A Drug Arrest

Do not make any statements because anything you say can and will be used against you. Even “I didn’t know it was there” can be twisted by police and may contradict a legal defense your attorney later asserts on your behalf.

Florida drug offenses written by Murphy & Downs Law

Drug Offenses

Florida treats drug offenses as especially heinous and sentencing is harsh. Rest assured, the attorneys at Murphy & Downs Law Offices are prepared to fight for you.

Top 10 Crimes in Florida

Top 10 Crimes in Florida

The top 10 most common crimes charged in Florida are drug offenses, theft, assault, driving under the influence (DUI), aggravated assault, liquor law violations, burglary, fraud, robbery, and vandalism.

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