Violent Crimes
Violent crimes in Florida typically include assault, battery, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, and homicide (as well as other variations of those offenses). There are enhanced penalties for each offense, depending on the circumstances (for instance, whether or not a weapon was used). Although these offenses are serious, there are defenses available.
Our firm has successfully used both self-defense and Florida’s Stand Your Ground statutes to defend our clients. Stand your ground is actually a bundle of rights created by the Florida Legislature. Essentially, if you are in a place you have a legal right to be and you have a reasonable fear that you are about to suffer death or serious bodily harm, you have a right to defend yourself. If certain criteria is met, you are immune from arrest, prosecution, and civil liability. Stand Your Ground does not only apply to the use of a firearm or deadly force.
If you or someone you know has been charged with a violent crime, contact our office today. With over 34 years of criminal defense experience, Murphy & Downs Law Offices is equipped to vigorously fight any and all violent crime charges.